Taking Care of Your Lawn in Summer

Lawn care in Summer


  • Step 1: Space the grass clippings
  • Step 2: Intensify watering for a beautiful summer lawn 
  • Step 3: Bring bottom fertilizer by the end of the summer 
  • Step 4: Errors to avoid to maintain your grass in summer

Summer is a much quieter turf maintenance period than spring and fall. However, it still remains to be mowed and watered wisely. How and how often? And what are the mistakes to avoid? Here are all the keys to properly maintain your lawn in the summer.

1. Space the grass clippings


With watering, lawn mowing is one of the only maintenance constraints in the summer. But, good news: no need to mow as much as in the spring! Indeed, if the grass grows very quickly in the spring, invigorated by a long winter rest, it slows down the summer.

Also, very logically you can, therefore, space the clippings: Once a week at once every 2 weeks, or 3 depending on your lawn, is enough.

Ideally, it is better to mow in the middle of the afternoon, when the grass is dry (and your neighbors are still awake).


We advise you to keep a good grass height: So, the soil retains more moisture, which allows the grass to better withstand heat.

Simply raise the height of cut 2 or 3 cm on your mower.

Good to know: the rule is that you do not cut more than a third of the height of the grass in a single mowing.

2. Intensify watering for a beautiful summer lawn


A beautiful lawn in summer is a well-watered lawn.

While upstream preparation and upkeep are very important to summer grass, it is still important to water the lawn at least once a week. In the heat, it can completely burn.

In summer, when the daytime temperature exceeds 25°C and it is hot at 10 o’clock in the morning, it is better to water in the evening.

The coolness of the night (or at least the absence of sunlight) limits evaporation and leaves time for the soil and grass to soak up the water.


Summer watering does not only intensify in terms of frequency but also in terms of volume: On average, it is advisable to bring at least 5 L / m² so that the water penetrates deeply into the ground.

Of course, if the rain sprinkles your garden for you, you do not need to spend liters. But we will hardly be expecting rain to fall in the summer in Arizona.

3. Bring ground fertilizer as soon as the end of the summer

As early as September, the period is favorable for bringing the lawn a balanced bottom fertilizer (NPK type 15-15-15) which will ensure the good development of the roots and promote the resistance of turf to disease for a whole year.

The beginning or the end of September are suitable for this purpose.

4. Mistakes to avoid to maintain your lawn in the summer

Because we have sometimes fallen behind the spring maintenance schedule, it is sometimes tempting to want to catch up with the summer. Bad idea! Here are some explanations.

Scarification and aeration of the soil

You can overtake a bit and do it in early summer if the soil is not too hot and dry.

After this time, it will damage your lawn more than it will invigorate. In fact, if the scarification is planned in the spring, it is on the one hand that the foam is formed in winter, and on the other hand that at this period, the turf is in full regrowth, contrary to the summer.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Be very careful because some products are banned in the summer – such as triple- or double-acting fertilizers and long-lasting fertilizers for example – because they can, in case of high heat, burn the grass.

In fact, if you still want to pamper your garden: take the time to read all the information provided; favor natural fertilizers; apply during cool periods; water copiously after application so that the product penetrates quickly.

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